Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Become An SEO Expert: Basic Skills You Must Have

Being an internet marketer doesn’t automatically make you an expert in search engine optimization (SEO). The difference of the two is basically thousands, if not millions of hits. The former is just concerned in sales while the latter is concerned in a whole lot of other things such as integrity, reputation, and lasting credibility in the field. If you want to become an SEO expert, there are some basic skills you need to have.

First, you should know how to write. If you have never written before, don’t panic. As long as you have a good command of the language and you are willing to learn, you can definitely find your way around copywriting.

As a search engine expert- wannabe, you have to understand the value of content. The online public does not exactly search for images or videos most of the time; they search for information or content. If you can write quality content optimized by certain keywords, people will likely find you more easily.

Of course, you have the option to hire someone to do the writing in your instead. However, if you truly want to be an expert in the field, you cannot afford not to write. Writing campaign is the pulse of SEO and without knowing how to write, you can never call yourself an expert.

Another thing you must have is web analytic skills. Training yourself to become an SEO expert means training yourself to observe how the online public behaves particularly when on your site. This will enable you to gauge how successful your efforts are.  If they don’t seem to work, you would be able to modify them as soon as you notice fruitlessness. If they seem to be working well, then you can keep right on track. Being able to analyze the behavior of your prospects can help you stay right on top of the game.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Tips When Hiring An SEO Expert

Look for SEO experts who have been around for some time. Of course, they should have their own sites that are ranking favorably. That’s a practical way to gauge whether they walk as they talk. How can you believe someone who claims to be an expert but is in the farthest spot of the search engine results pages, right? That would be an utter contradiction!

Another way to make certain that you are spending for the right guy is by looking for proofs. When searching, it is likely that you’re going to choose from a list of two, three, or so candidates. You mustn’t have second thoughts in asking each for projects they did in the past. These are items in their portfolio. Those who successfully optimized sites wouldn’t have any trouble presenting evidence. Meanwhile, those who can’t show any might not really have anything to back their claims up.

Proofs of jobs done well can also come from other people. Find feedbacks. The internet can be the source of almost everything and when someone likes (or hates) an online firm, it’s impossible not to find them. Investigate the feedbacks and identify whether they are genuine or mere publicity. This can give you a clearer idea of who the real deal is.

Finally, listen and consider all the techniques that the SEO expert plans to implement. Make sure that you don’t get carried away by flowery words or charming personality. These may not be bad, but the more crucial is the essence of the speech and outputs that back it up. If the claims are realistic and practical, then you probably have found a worthy candidate right there.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Finding The Worthy Candidate For An SEO Job

Hire a pro!

Search engine optimization (SEO) has become a prevalent procedure in any online business who wants to successfully thrive in the World Wide Web. As competition can be harsh, entrepreneurs want to ensure that they have the upper hand. One of the things they do is hire an SEO company.

What’s the benefit of hiring a pro to optimize your website? Isn’t that an utter waste of money? Well, the answer may be yes and no.

See, it’s true that hiring an SEO company may cost and the money can go to waste, but this is only when you end up hiring the wrong guy. When you are prudent enough in choosing the right guy, then you’ll surely get the value for your money; perhaps even more.

Now, how can you exactly pick the right person?

Perhaps one of the most practical things to do is ask around. A friend or family member who has had an experience with an SEO firm or expert may be able to recommend someone they have already tried. If they have had a bad experience with anyone, then they can caution you too. Personal referrals can save you the trouble of kissing every toad and leading you straight to the prince.

In case that no one you trust can recommend anyone, it’s time to do the scouting yourself. The simplest and fastest way is to go online and do your research.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Use YouTube For Your Business

Upload clips of presentations and speeches you’ve given. Uploading parts of the speeches or presentations you have done in the past can add to your credibility. It doesn’t only demonstrate your skills but also prove your authority. This is undoubtedly one of the advantages of using Youtube for business. It helps establish your expertise in the field.

Upload testimonials. Word-of-mouth marketing is still very effective to date. The easiest way to get it online is by testimonials. If you can upload videos of satisfied clients talking about how happy they are doing business with you, then it would be a lot easier for viewers to trust you too.

Enhance your videos. Remember that that the viewing public are wise. They can tell whether your video was professionally done or not. They can also pinpoint whether you know more than the basics. To make their impression better, don’t forget to enhance your videos by adding special features. Think of language options, insight, quick capture, audioswap, and the likes. They can not only get your viewers more engaged but also convince them that you know what you’re doing.

Be visible. Being visible is also a technique in using Youtube for business. By this we don’t mean uploading one video after another, though.  To be visible means to show people that you are indeed a member of the same community. Check out their videos and comment on them. This will let them know that you’re more than just an entrepreneur; you are willing to have a relationship with them. This rapport can go a long way.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Techniques In Using Youtube For Business

Using Youtube for business has certainly gone viral. The social media is no longer just for sleep walking dogs or barking cats, but for entrepreneurs who want to win a market too. If you’re an entrepreneur yourself and totally clueless as to how to exhaust the social site for your enterprise, here are some ways how to:

Create introductory videos. Making a video to introduce your company, product, or service can be helpful in creating public awareness. People remember the things that they watch more easily than those that they just read or listen to. Hence, they can recall you faster when you show them your video. Don’t fret, videos like this aren’t supposed to be lengthy and costly. A motto or a brief description of what you do would suffice. Click here to learn how to do proper video production.

Create videos for tips. Giving tips is also one of the best ways to use Youtube for small business. People are drawn to those who give them smart pointers because they love learning something new. Naturally, if you provide them valuable tips that they can benefit from, they would always go back for more. Consequently, they would trust and support you more too.

Conduct an interview with an expert. People love listening to experts. If you could get to interview one and share the video with others, your business can benefit tremendously. For one, the public will think that you’re reputable as an expert wouldn’t have wasted time on you if otherwise.  Two, because the expert willingly spoke with you, you’re probably a budding expert, if not a full-fledged, too.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Effective Ways To Optimize A Web Page

This post was continued from the previous one.

Create title tags. Title tags are what inform the spiders and the readers what a web page is all about. This is equally valuable when you optimize a web page because titles are also shown in search engine results. They must be sensible and attractive enough for the readers because the more they get enticed, the more they would likely visit your site. Then, this can lead to increased traffic and profitability.

Link within your site. It is best that you practice linking within your site. If you have a post related with another, provide the link to it on the same page, if not within the content. This will lead the spiders to explore other parts of your site. Naturally, the more they delve into your pages, the more they can index you for better ranking. Besides this advantage, creating internal network of links can help your followers discover more information about your niche.

Write good copies. Gone were the days when it came easy to trick search engines through various SEO tactics. They’re now using sophisticated ways in indexing sites and they can be tough to keep up with; frequent use of keywords no longer work. So, to play safe, always produce good copies. Make them informative in content and proper in form. Make them sound as natural as possible. This way, the spiders would “think” your content is of true value.

These are some of the effective ways on how to optimize a web page. Practice them in your site and see the difference they can create.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Effective Ways To Optimize A Web Page

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a hot practice among online businesses these days. This is because search engines have become a main instrument for purchasing around around the globe. With an average of a billion search requests on a day, you can get a glimpse of how many people are out there looking for a product or service that will satisfy their interests and needs. No wonder entrepreneurs are busy thinking of ways on how to optimize a web page and boost their rank.

First, you have to understand that search engine spiders index web pages, not web sites, hence, it is logical to prioritize the endeavor. Luckily, there are many ways to go about this. In the following, let’s enumerate 5 of them:

Do your keyword research. Keyword research is a vital part of SEO. It is the process of coming up with specific terms you would want your pages to be known for. Basically, they are what you believe the consumers will type on the search engines. If you get this right, then your chances to thrive in the industry would be better too. After all, without the right keywords, no SEO campaign can be successful.

Map the keywords to the web pages. Another important part of how to optimize a website is by mapping the keywords to your web pages. You need to decide on which of your pages would be optimized for which keywords. Separately optimizing every web page is ideal for best results.

To be continued...

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Finding The Right Search Marketing Company

When choosing an SEO company, it is recommended to check their site out. It must be in a competitive rank in the search engine results pages. If they’re at the bottom, then how could they make your site appear on top?  That would be a long shot, right? Hence, don’t even think of taking your chances in a company like this.

Tactics is also a factor when selecting the SEO firm you’re going to work with. A good company would be able to enumerate a number of legitimate methods on how they can optimize your site. Yes, legitimate methods only. See, there are SEO companies who know nothing beyond spamming and you wouldn’t want to have anything to do with them. They will not only waste money but drag your venture’s reputation down as well.

Finally, money is also a factor when choosing an SEO company. In the case that a firm can’t quote a specific price because they only give it to those who are sure to use their service, ask of their average fees instead. This can give you a clue on how much your site may cost. In the case that the firm quotes you a rather high charge and you really want to hire them, ask if they have payment plans instead. It can let you pay in a period of time rather than getting hit with a huge upfront fee.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Practical Tips When Choosing An SEO Company

Choosing an SEO company can be a daunting task despite the number of options available on the internet. This is mainly because not all who claims to be an expert is indeed such. Besides, you don’t automatically click with everyone. There’s really a need to spend time finding and testing your choices. In this article, let’s talk about some practical tips on selecting the SEO firm that can help with your success.

The easiest and most practical thing to do is to personally ask referrals from business owners you trust or have worked with in the past. They can serve as reliable sources because they know you. In addition, they wouldn’t put their names on the line unless the firm they’re recommending is worth the try.

From their recommendations, start your search. Make an effort to contact every company and speak with their consultants. Listen to their policies and procedures. Also ask for other references. This will help largely in gauging whether a certain firm can truly deliver. Of course, the higher the number of satisfied and successful clients a company has, the better.

Now, just in case you know no one who can recommend an SEO expert, you may start to do your own research online. It may be a convenient step to look for a company that is within your area, but this isn’t a must. The more important is to hire an SEO firm that’s comfortable in working with small or medium businesses in your niche. This can somewhat guarantee their competence in handling your project. See, it can be challenging to work with a specialist who has done plumbing services promotion forever when your niche is food or cosmetics.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Two Ways You Can Learn SEO For Free

Chamber events — This may not come as often as you want but whether you live in a huge city or small town, there must be some events you can attend to learn more about running a business. You can meet experts and newbies alike in these gatherings from whom you can learn a great deal. Events like these are usually free of charge so there’s nothing to worry about. Just contact your local chamber of commerce or find some activities online.

SEO E-books — You can also learn SEO for free by reading e-books. Some experts are generous enough to share their know-how by writing them down. Reading works like these can be useful because they come from first-hand experience. While you’re not supposed to follow everything it says, you can get a good picture of the realities of SEO and prepare for it. Some e-books may cost nothing while some may be for sale. If one believed to be truly insightful and practical has a price, don’t hesitate to shell-out some cash. Chances are it can’t be too expensive. The benefits can surely be worth more than the investment. In the end, it would still seem more like a giveaway.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

How To Learn SEO For Free

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a popular topic in the world of online business. It is the process of improving a site’s visibility in the search engine results pages (SERP) so more people can access it. As you know, the more visitors a site has, the bigger its earning possibility becomes. In this article, let’s talk about how to learn SEO for free so you can take your business to a whole new level of success.

First, you should understand that SEO is a complex procedure. If you want surefire victory the soonest possible time, the best thing to do is hire a pro. He or she is trained in dealing with the intricacies of how search engines work as well as the competition; hence climbing the SERP can be less arduous. But of course, it would still help if you understand the basics of SEO. Luckily, you can get search engine optimization tutorial free of charge through the following:

SEO Blogs — There are tons of blogs which talk about SEO and the myriad of topics that come with it. This is advantageous in a lot of ways, but can also be unfavorable to an extent. How? Well, as you can imagine, having loads of options doesn’t make choosing easy. While blogs in the same niche must talk about the same things, not all of them are equally informative and comprehensive. Therefore, it is crucial that you practice shrewdness when you choose a blog to learn SEO for free.

SEO communities — Forums are also a great avenue to learn about how to optimize a website. Just like blogs, they are not created equal, but a number of great ones can truly be beneficial. Before joining any, it would be ideal to do a little research. Look for a community that has good feedbacks from both members and visitors. It will not only serve as a place for troubleshooting issues but for meeting new friends too.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Pointers When Writing A Video Script: Part 2

Continued from this previous post...

Writing video scripts also necessitate brainstorming. Once you have watched some sample ads, take note of their strengths and weaknesses and decide on which could help you with your own project. If you’re running a business from home, you can solicit the help of the family to determine which elements and concepts could actually work better. Knowing what others think is very crucial when writing a script because what works for you will not always work for the rest. Listening to other people’s opinion can help you come up with a more objective script.

When you’re already on the process of writing the script, remember to prefer the pronoun “you” over “we”. This is just a simple way of making the audience know and feel they are valued and cared for. Of course, they would love to hear your story, but don’t get too absorbed in yourself. If you’re sharing your story, make sure that it’s in the most concise way possible. Also, it must be for the eventual benefit of the viewers.

Finally, proofread. Writing a video script doesn’t end once the last sentence is completed. It has to be proofread multiple times until it is smooth and polished. Don’t stop until you think that all the words are sounding sensibly and gliding well.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Pointers When Writing A Video Script

When it comes to promoting your website or business online, sometimes it helps that you produce your own marketing videos.

Marketing videos are definitely in demand. They are proving to be quite effective in business promotion so a growing number of entrepreneurs are getting more hooked to them. If you are thinking of giving the strategy a try, this article is for you. Here you will learn of some crucial pointers when writing a video script.

The script is going to be the backbone of your video so you need to spend ample time in crafting it. Even if you are hiring a pro to produce a video in your behalf, the script has to be well-thought of. You must also work closely with the video maker to ensure that what they are doing is faithful to your company’s mission and vision.

The first thing to keep in mind is your target audience. Knowing who you are making the video for can make things a lot easier because you can concentrate all your efforts in winning this particular crowd. You would know what words, visual effects, and musical scoring would work best for them. You would also know exactly what they need and expect.

After knowing who your audience is, the next thing you need to do before writing a video script is research your competition and watch their videos. Now, don’t get the impression that you are being taught to cheat here. The reason why checking out others’ videos is logical is it can give you an idea of what the current trend is. This is useful so you can anticipate the approach would work more efficiently. Of course, the goal is to come up with something fresh and original. But, the ideas from the competition can actually make it easier for you to reach this goal.

To be continued...

Monday, August 6, 2012

Top Social Bookmarking Sites For Business Promotion

There are many popular sites for social bookmarking. If you are not familiar with them, check these out:

StumbleUpon - StumbleUpon is a definite crowd favorite. After registration, the system will ask you to enter your hobbies and interests. Once you’re done, you will simply click on the “Stumble” button and it will already show you sites that are relevant to what you have just entered. It’s fantastic because it doesn’t only pick any website but quality ones. Many users get addicted to it because it has an amazing reservoir of fresh and superior content.

Delicious - Delicious is one of the very first bookmarking sites that went live on the web and it remains to be on the top three. It has a cool tagging system that allows you to categorize everything according to your pleasure. You can also access the site from any device connected to the net.

Digg - If you are into world news, humor posts, and technology, Digg is probably going to be your choice. The site allows you to create a profile and have followers who can comment on your posts. Businesses that put premium at their link building strategies normally choose this site.

Pinterest - Pinterest is relatively new but it does make the list of top social bookmarking sites. It’s unique because it heavily relies on photos, images, and the designs. If your business is dependent on these, then the site will surely be your perfect haven.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Why You Need Social Bookmarking Sites

Social bookmarking is the way of organizing and sharing bookmarks on the web. If there are some great stuff you wish to easily go back to as well as share with others online, you can place them in a bookmarking account. Other users can view these bookmarks, add the same links to their collection, and share them with more users. Quite convenient, don’t you think? No wonder that top social bookmarking sites are now being utilized by many businesses to promote their ventures.

There are several ways that a social bookmarking tool can be used in small business internet marketing. Perhaps the most common technique is by being a curator of information that are connected to your field. As an entrepreneur, you can aggregate the best content from all over the web and share them with your clients (or clients-to-be).

This will not only help disseminate quality information but also build your reputation as a leader in the industry. When you are able to share various links related to your niche, people will get the impression that you are indeed credible. A person who is always up-to-date and ahead of the game automatically builds a reputation for him or herself.

Another way you can utilize top social bookmarking sites is by putting together testimonials from satisfied clients. Even in the online world, word-of-mouth is powerful when it comes to marketing a venture. If your customers are happy with your product or service, they will certainly be more than willing to testify of their experience. You can collate positive feedback in your bookmarking site and let the public know how worthy you are of their consideration.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

More Article Marketing Tips

Another effective article marketing strategy is to research for keywords that can be used for the write ups. These keywords can be significant in several ways. One, it can help you with search engine optimization. Two, it can make your write-ups more readable. Three, it can also make them memorable. Quite often, readers recall information through key terms repeatedly used throughout an article. If you can choose a keyword or phrase that will reflect the very gist of your work, then it will make things a lot more favorable.

Crafting a good title is also one of the simplest article marketing tips you should consider. Title is what the readers see first so it has to create an impact. Imagine if you’re checking out your social media account and come across an article teaser. Would you click on the link if the title sounds drab and uninviting? No, right? Hence, while it’s ideal to put your keywords on the title, don’t be too caught up with it that you forget to consider whether it still sounds sensible and enticing.  You must ensure that your title is optimized and appealing at the same time.

The next pointer you should take note of is to publish your work on reputable sites. Ideally, you should have your own site or blog to post all articles on. This gives you full control of everything. It establishes your reputation too. As you know, having your own “hub” makes a huge difference.

But, if you don’t have your own site or you simply wish to distribute your articles further, what you can do is have them published on well-respected directories. These sites are already positioned well in the search engines. The online public knows of them too. Hence, posting on them can make you enjoy high visibility.

These are the basic article marketing tips you should know if you are new to the method. This should be a part of a bigger internet marketing plan. Try it on your business and see how beneficial it can be.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Article Marketing Tips For Starters

Article marketing is a way of advertising a business through short write-ups. It promotes the expertise of an author so whatever he or she is offering-- may it be a product, site, or service-- can be known and patronized by the reading public.  The articles are typically posted on blogs, article directories, or sent out as press releases. If this method is new to you, here you will learn of some article marketing tips so you can get started.

First, you should learn the importance of quality. See, the internet is a vast ocean of information. There are facts, news, and ideas everywhere you go. Your goal shouldn’t only be to provide details but to provide quality details. Bear in mind that the online public usually go to the internet because they are looking for something. You must be able to give them what they want in a clear and comprehensive way so you will also get the support you desire.

Now, by “comprehensive” we don’t mean long and elaborate. It simply means complete and all-inclusive. The readers must be able to get what they need from your articles and feel satisfied.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Learning The SEO Basics

As an entrepreneur, it is prudent to learn about SEO basics and how to apply them in authentic business scenario.  Even a small knowledge of it can make a huge difference on how you see the internet and your venture.  Besides, SEO education is extensive in the web.  You can learn about it for free so there shouldn’t be any thing to stop you.

Of course, if you wish to learn more about the complexity of the procedure, you can always hire a coach, or better yet, a decent SEO company that will handle the job in your behalf.  While this may require a significant amount of investment, it can bear out amazing results in the future; results which you probably haven’t even dreamed of.  In the end, your outlay would prove to be one of the wisest decisions you have ever made for the venture.

Again, there are various factors involved in the process of SEO.  Some of them are easy while some necessitate thorough planning and consideration.  For a starter, your focus must be the content of your site.  It must be good, accessible, and well-circulated. Covering these three can guarantee a great jumpstart for a successful SEO project.

Since you already know the answer to the question “What is SEO?” and how you can go about it as a newbie, you should now gear up for the challenge.  Again, you don’t have to confuse yourself with the intricacies of the procedure.  Just start with the basics and you’ll surely be on your way.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

What Is SEO And Why Is It Prevalent Online?

What is SEO?  If you have been asking this question over and over, then you need not ask more.  In this article, we will talk about the basics of Search Engine Optimization and why the entire cyberworld is going gaga over it.

Basically, SEO is the process of promoting and improving a website to make it rank highly on the search engine results pages (SERP).  There are a lot of factors involved in it, but the sole goal is to be more visible in the internet community.

So you may be asking, “What’s so important about ranking high in the SERP? You can be more visible by tapping social media, right?”  Well, it may be true that social networking can help improve visibility, but, it can never be on a par with how search engines work. 

See, search engines provide you with your target audience on a silver platter.  No other platform or methodology can do that.  Once a person types his or her queries into the search box and ends up on your website, you automatically got a potential client right there.  This is absolutely far from joining a social networking site and waiting for someone to take notice of you, which, may take forever.

Hence it is no wonder that many online companies invest time and finances in learning what is SEO and how it can be utilized to optimize their profitability.  As competition has never been any stiffer, this is the moment to exhaust all means to beat everyone else online.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

How To Optimize A Web Page

Generally, there are three basic components involved in a successful web page optimization: the design, the content, and the meta tags.


Some online business proprietors have the inclination to make their sites elaborate and very colorful; hoping that the elaboration and color would draw more visitors to the site.  Truth is, this NEVER works.  If anything, sites that have loads of graphics and animations scare both search engine crawlers and viewers away.  For the crawlers (also known as the spiders), the embellishments are a hindrance to finding the keywords; while for the viewers, they make navigating a pain in the neck.  Ideally, your website must be simple in design and format.  This will facilitate both crawling and viewing more.


Content must be the most valuable component there is when it comes to SEO.  It is what engages and makes people come back.  A simple web design will not yield great results unless it has sensible and timely content sprinkled with the correct keywords. 

When working with SEO marketing companies, they would likely take care of your site’s content unless you tell them otherwise.  A firm like this often has a pool of writers and marketers who know exactly what to do in order to make your site more attractive than others.

Meta Tags

Meta tags are what describe your web pages.  They tell the title, keyword, and description of what the entire site is about.  They are not likely going to cause detrimental effects to your venture, but, they can be crucial in web page optimization because they have the capacity to entice visitors to your site.  Naturally, these tags must be thought-of well too.

Monday, July 2, 2012

It's Time To Do Web Page Optimization

If you have an online business, it’s top priority to promote your website.  Otherwise, you will not generate the income you have always foreseen it would.  The first step for promotion is known as web page optimization.  It’s a part of the entire Search Engine Optimization (SEO) process wherein techniques are utilized so that the search engines will easily find your site and make it accessible to internet users.  Like other endeavors, this requires special skills, tools, and determination.

Some well-to-do entrepreneurs who take their business seriously hire SEO experts just to manage their web pages.  Often, they work with these experts from the beginning so the sites are optimized from day one.  This, of course, comes with a lot of benefits. 

On the other hand, those who did not enjoy the same privilege may resort to an enterprise “face lift.”  They can hire SEO consultants who will help get their business right on track. While the hiring may cost a lot, it can turn out to be the wisest decision you could ever make in your entire business career.

There are various procedures on how to optimize a website.  Choosing which to use will mainly depend on the specialists you’re working with and what they think your business needs.  Naturally, the needs of every venture vary.  What you sell, how big your company is, and what your goals are all play important roles in selecting the SEO techniques to be used.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Basic SEO You Need To Know {Last Part}

Note: This is a continuation of the previous post.

Find the best keywords.

Keywords are the next concern you must deliberate on.  They are the terms or phrases which people would possibly search for on the web.  When your site has the same words, then search engine crawlers would likely index you in no time.  Aside from giving the public what they need, you also can work on your ranking.  Fantastic, right?  As you know, the higher you rank in the search engine is, the more visible and credible you become in the eyes of the people.

Preferably, the keywords you’re going to choose must have low competition but high popularity.  They shouldn’t be commonly used by other businesses but must be frequently searched for by consumers.  The combo can help maximize your chances for success so it’s one of the basic SEO tips you can’t drop at all. Luckily, there are free tools on the internet that can help you with the process.

The next tip is to build a network of backlinks.  It can significantly help in improving your reputation-- provided that you only link to those who are reputable.

These are the basic SEO tips you should follow when establishing a business.  While they won’t yield amazing results overnight, they can absolutely keep your venture on the right track.  Remember that nothing is easy when it comes to making a business succeed, but, if you know how to do things right on-page and off-page, you can undoubtedly go through great lengths.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Basic SEO You Need To Know

Being cool is not enough. You need quality as well.

You must have heard of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) but did you know that it is performed in two ways?  One is through on-page optimization while the other is off-page.  The former utilizes techniques from within to promote the site, while the latter makes use of backlinks from the outside to get to the same goal.  In this article, let’s talk about basic SEO tips done in both of these ways. 

The first thing you need to work on is the content. Your site may look cool and groovy but if it’s empty in substance, it can’t get anywhere.  Remember that the internet public is always searching for useful information.  If you want them to follow you, you’d better have something to give them.

Now, you may be wondering what to exactly put in your site when all you know is the name and price of what you’re offering.  Well, you’re up for a wonderful surprise.  Truth is, there are a lot of things that can constitute the content of your site.

See, your website can be a convenient source of a lot of information.  You can use it as a channel to share various things to your target market.  For example, if you are into selling anti-acne items, you can focus your content on things related to them.  Why not talk about the meaning of acne and why does it appear?  Can you treat it?  How?  Writing about these things can entice prospective clients because it can provide new knowledge on something they are interested about.  Needless to say, it is one of the easiest ways to create quality content and also one of the most practical search engine optimization tips you can do.

In the next post we will tackle the basics of keyword research.

Friday, June 8, 2012

More Tips For A Successful Video Promotion

This is a continuation of the previous post on how you can do proper video promotion.

With regards to your marketing message in your video, you should be able to say this in a few sentences without having to be extremely blatant.  There are ways to go about a certain point without sounding proud or imposing.   You just need to learn these ways.

That said, you must be prepared to edit and revise the script as many times as needed until it’s down to a reasonable length which doesn’t sacrifice content.  This will eventually save you a lot of time editing and trimming the video itself.

Third, you must also create the video according to the audience.  Some marketing videos are used for corporate affairs while some are for prospective clients.  Naturally, you will talk to these crowds differently.  To the former, you have a leeway of speaking formally and a bit lengthily.  To the latter though, you need to use a more appealing and prompting tone.  In addition, the talk can’t be long.  This is because the former already has an idea of what you’re talking about while the latter is likely clueless and careless. 

Finally, regardless of for whom the video promotion effort was made, you should always finish with a call to action.  What do you want the viewers to do?  Would you like them to know your humble beginnings?  Would you like them to approve your new offerings?  Always call them for action in the end of the videos.  This is also a great spot to put your contact details on so the audience can reach you when they wish to.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Tips For A Successful Video Promotion

Video promotion is becoming one of the hottest trends in online marketing.  While it has been around for sometime, it’s only recently that entrepreneurs are giving it more attention.  Perhaps because the audience has started appreciating it more, too.  In this article, we will discuss some convenient tips on how to make your video production suitable for a successful business promotion.

First tip on the list is to keep the video short.  While it’s tempting to tell everything on one sitting, doing so is a wrong move.  See, the primary reason why people watch video ads is because they are brief and easier to understand.  If you are going to provide a lengthy movie about your company and what you do, the viewers would think that it is no different with reading long and boring articles.  Thus, you have to maintain your videos at reasonable lengths.  A five-minute production would likely tire your visitors already.

Now, to keep your production short, one simple thing to do is only focus on one or two key aspects of your company.  The elaborate history can come later.  For now, settle with telling your clients about a couple of things that will entice them to get to know your business more.  This is the basic goal of video promotion— to persuade viewers to know you more.

The second tip in creating a video for marketing a business has got to do with the message.  You must have a clear and concise script to get your point across— that you are the best and viewers must find it for themselves.

We will continue this discussion on the best ways to do video promotion in the next blog post. Keep an eye out for it.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Simple Blog Writing Tips Continued

The next step is to express everything in simple terms.  Writing a blog post is very different from writing a newspaper report or a novel.  It doesn’t have to be technical or formal.  In fact, the more conversational your style is, the better. 

See, the online public likes it when they read articles that are easy to understand.  The feeling that the write-up is speaking to them on a personal level is what they find engaging.  Hence, it is vital that you learn how to write this way. 

If you are a new writer, you can learn this technique simply.  However, if you have been on the print industry for sometime, you would have to adjust some of your practices to fit the demands of blog writing.

Some other blog writing tips apart from using simple terms are keeping the sentences short and the paragraphs brief.  Both will give way to easier reading and understanding.  Subheadings and lists may also be effective to attain the same goal.

Along being conversational and concise, you should watch yourself from rambling.  Too often a time, bloggers get so comfortable and casual with the way they write and no longer notice when they wander off the point.  Committing this blunder is a big no-no because it tells the reader how careless you truly are.  This is definitely not the way to win followers.  Who would want to follow someone who’s not careful with his or her thoughts, right?

Finally, edit devotedly and ruthlessly.  Carelessness is also going to show if you don’t proofread your articles well.  As a blogger, you must know how to edit, revise, shorten, delete, rewrite, or rephrase whatever needs the action.  Never stop unless your piece sounds crisp and clear.

These are the simple and practical blog writing tips you should keep in mind.  Putting them into practice can surely help you make it in the challenging realm of the blogosphere.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Simple And Practical Blog Writing Tips

Everyone keeps a blog these days.  It’s no longer the issue of who has one but who can keep one well.  You know, a blogger who can update content and make each post as interesting as it can be; who can send his message across without getting too wordy or technical. If you want to be this kind of writer, you’re reading the perfect article.  Here you will learn about simple and practical blog writing tips that can help you thrive successfully in the blogosphere.

The first step to take is this: have something good to say.  This is not to be misconstrued as to only say good about a specific subject.  It is to write about a topic that can be beneficial to the readers, may it involve exposing of negative things related to the issue. 

If you feel like you don’t have much to say, or you are soon going to run out of it, the solution is to read widely and continuously.  Make taking note a habit and plan on how you can share it proficiently with others.

Blogging is about saying what's on your mind.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Try Out Guest Blogging For Site Promotion

Have you tried blogging for other people? Not really on a regular basis but as a way to also promote your own blog or website.

Guest blogging is a practice used by bloggers to boost traffic to their sites.  It involves writing on another blogger’s page hence the term “guest.”  This practice can work either way: you write on another person’s blog, or, another person creates a post to appear on your blog.  In this article, let’s talk more about the scheme and how beneficial it can really be.

A blogger can publish a post on your own site by first contacting you and asking whether he or she can provide a blog entry for you.  If it’s a friend, granting the request would not be hard.  However, if it’s someone you’re not exactly close or familiar with, the story would be different. 

When this happens, the first thing to do is deliberate on the request. Investigate even, if necessary.  This is because the person’s post will inevitably stir your followers.  Whether it will stir them for the better or not depends on how well you scrutinize the blogger and his or her post.  Basically, it’s going to be the same process if you wish to write a guest blog post on somebody else’s site.

Be a good guest on another guy's blog. :)

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Learn To Find The Right Keywords

Learning how to find keywords that optimize a website plays an important role in a business’ success.  Luckily, there are several ways to go about it.  In this article, let’s talk about them.

On the whole, seasoned marketers shouldn’t have trouble figuring out the right words when it comes to optimizing a certain website.  Habitual reading of current magazines can already give them a good idea of what terms should top the list. 

The basic step is to start paying closer attention to the words used in the article titles or subtitles-- if any.  These words are there for a reason: to attract attention.   They are also the ones that readers mainly try to find.

That said, in the course of keyword selection, it is important to consider things from the point of view of the customers.  What words are they likely going to use?  How would they type them on the search engine box?

The typical mistake that online entrepreneurs commit is they focus more on the terms used by the marketing organization, not by the consumers.  They forget that it’s the latter who do the searching; hence, they must be the chief point of reference.  If your focus is always going to be the business side, how will you be able to provide aptly for your prospective clients?

Moving on, how to find keywords does not only involve customary reading. There are easier and more efficient ways to do it such as using specialized keyword tools.  For instance, the biggest search engines such as Google, Yahoo!, and MSN have their own keyword suggestion tools. 

Fundamentally, they were created to support the companies’ advertising programs.  The tools enabled marketers to distinguish what keywords would work best for their ads.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

This Is Me And I'm Here To Help

Let's do it, cowboy! Yeehaa!
I'll make this introduction short and sweet.

I eat, sleep, and breathe the web. Particularly how I can make my website be found online. I know it's not easy but it's also far from being impossible.

I believe in great content, and with greatness comes responsibility. Sounds too Spider-Man-like? Well, it's the truth if you really want to dominate the web (or at least your niche for starters).

I am white-hat all the way.

I am here to help. If you've got a search optimization or online marketing question, shoot me a message. If I know the answer I'll be happy to share it with you. Should I be stumped, I'll also be happy to point you to the right direction.

And yes, I am That SEO Guy. :)